Letter to the Past

Dear Past Me,

 I know that when you walk into photo class on the first day of school you may have believed that photography was a simple thing just taking photos. Well soon you will learn that there is so much more to it than you believed. Photo class is about learning how to use all the tools and the techniques that are available to you. It is about learn how to use photoshop. It's about learning new things and finding a creative outlet. School is going to be hard, lots of homework and not enough time. But photo will give you a chance to take time to sit back and relax. To let your creativity out in a way you hadn't been able to do in other classes. So take my advice don't just take the picture to get the assignment done. Take it because it makes you happy, because it makes a statement to the world. But also make sure that it fits all the requirements of the assignment. Use time in and out of class to make the best photo that you can. Take time to come up with ideas to make sure they are unique and not just the easiest way to pass the class. Pay attention in class, learn the techniques and use them to better your photos not just in class but out of class too.

 The photo below is from our blue project:

This is one of my favorite photos that I have taken this year. Our assignment was just what it sounds like "Blue". What does that word mean to you? I went through so many ideas on what I could do for it. As I was walking around the house I looked up at the sky and the trees and I just thought it was so beautiful. This picture fits the requirements for the project because well obviously its blue, but even more for me it relates to the color blue. It is calm and peaceful. The photo is just so still and quiet to me that is one huge connection to the color blue how something makes you feel. I did very little editing on the photo just changed the levels a bit. Overall I would not change anything with the image.

Good Luck!


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