Gottfried Helnwein part 2

  • The change in viewpoint helps reveal what the image was truly meant to be and shows how perspective can completely change how you see something.
  • If you look at it closer you can see that the image is actually very large, and is hung up on what appears to be the side of a warehouse building, in a industrial area. 
  • I would describe the image as a lose up of a girls face. She has golden brown hair and blue eyes. I would tell someone that the image draws your attention and is very captivating.
  • The size could affect the meaning by letting the girl have larger presence, which creates a feeling of her having a larger life and/or larger problems. 
  • It looks like a giant poster on fabric or polyester fabric. At some points it appears that it might be spliced together, but at others it seems to be one giant sheet. It appears to have been mounted on many, many hooks in the wall by the mean hanging off of the roof.
  • The image appears to be the edge of an industrial area into a residential one. This means that many people, including families and workers will see the image. 
  • The mood of the image is somber and intent. Her face appears to be engaged and reaching out to the audience that views the image.
  • The title suggests that she is the last girl left in the world. 


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