
Part 1:

  1. Quality of Work: When it comes to quality I feel that I tend to do a good job of getting good images that fulfill the requirements of the assignment. I make sure to avoid using my first ideas and make sure that the images are in the proper format and resolution. The only thing that I tend to struggle with is going beyond the objective of the assignment. Overall I tend in quality work that fits what is needed of me.
  2. Effort: I try to take photos whenever I see something that inspires me or looks interesting. I often do not go to the most convenient place, an example would be me going into an abandoned home at 6:30 in the morning. I put effort and planning into my projects to make sure I have quality work.I try to go for my ideas no matter what but, I also struggle taking conceptual and creative risks. I do tend to look at others and my ow work in the most positive way that I can, even if I feel that I could have taken a bigger risk.
  3. Participation: I am always on time to class and make an effort work independently throughout the class. I mostly stay in task, I rarely get off task. I feel that when I do it is because I am satisfied with the work that I have done. 
  4. Improvement: I feel like I have improved with that use of more technical things and creating better, more compelling images. I am hoping to continue to gain more confidence. I also believe that I am starting to grow more into my own style of photography. 
  5. Adjustment: I hope that over the next semester I will taking more risks with my photos. I also want to continue growing into my own style and confidence in my photography. Over the next semester I want to be able to create work that I feel truly shows my view as a photographer.
Part 2: 
             An idea for a assignment is one that allows us to learn about famous photographers and pioneers that allow us to be able to do what we do in class. 


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